Monday, April 21, 2014


What is more glorious than Easter? I ask you. What?! Yesterday was a day of days, one of our Christian high holy days. I for one was totally blessed, made joyful by the living presence of Christ with us. Frankly, on occasion I was nearly overcome by it all, tears of joy among the people, especially me. After all, it the day when we celebrate the event that changed everything forever. We told the story once again, that Jesus rose from the grave, stood alive among his friends, and invited them to tell the world about it. Go…tell everybody! He said. 

In Jesus, and by his sacrifice, we have life too! Even in death, WE have life. Hallelujah!

If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, let me just say these words to you. If you are offended, I’m sorry about that. But you too are a part of God’s plan to save the world. Step into the light. Let the power of the resurrection take hold of you. Show up and be shown.  I promise, if you do, and you are willing, Jesus will rock your world like you cannot imagine. He has rocked mine!

I invite your comments. Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? If not, why not?

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